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Do not sink into the past by telling others about your difficulties or failures (unless in a secure group where you have at least an unwritten contract of privacy and support).  Interest yourself in becoming rich in life!  See the positive side of your present state of affairs.  Focus on optimistic conversation or  beneficial things that have happened to you. 

When you are willing you must act the part.  Do what you need to do.  Make lists of things to do and begin doing them one by one.  It may take a year to complete, but we must begin somewhere.  Do each series of tasks and individual actions efficiently.  Do it right the first time, and you need not fix it later.  To do efficient and effective work, you only need to do one thing at a time and do not spread yourself too thin. 

You need not try and mandate an outcome.  The creative forces will unfold the correct result for you.  You merely need to organize your affairs so that you may receive the success and gladly accept the payoff.  Overall,  action is what will allow you to receive your abundance.  Do only what can be done today, and tomorrow you can begin anew.  In sum, put the faith, vision, and purpose behind your every action to accelerate your reaching abundance. 



You should determine what you like or even what you love to do through this simple process.  Write out a list of 20 things of interest to you.  Keep adding and chipping away at the list over a few days or weeks.  Over time, you will only have 2 or 3 things left because the supreme power will guide you to exercise your given talents.  As a note, it could be to study history or science, to read books, to write, to develop written content, to draw or create graphics, to talk to people on the phone.  It should over time become more specific such as: to become the best writer on the topic of politics or taxes, to complete a masters or doctorate in international business, to become the best web site for information and links to success literature.  It doesn’t matter how you start, just begin the writing process!  Just remember, a good talent (something you like to do and you are good at doing) combined with desire to become the best professional in this field will guarantee that you do and be what you love.  At the least, you can become a teacher of your trade or profession and give back to the world by accelerating the learning of children or students in your field of love. 

Without being boastful, you must convey the impression to others that you are advancing all that come in contact with you.  Speak of your life and business as getting better and better all of the time.  Act and feel as you are successful and that you are already rich in life and all of your needs are met.  Incorporate a compassionate humility that you mix with poise, faith, confidence, and self-esteem.  You need only speak when necessary, but your strong character and faithful confidence will attract the best people into your life. 

If you are in a job and can not leave it to follow your dreams, then do what you can in the evenings or weekends to hone your skills, plans, and education toward your goal.  Use your present job skillfully to move in the direction that you want.  There are thousands of people who have their business pay for their part-time education.  Your contacts at work may lead to a better or different job.  You must be prepared to discuss your dreams (what you want from life) dream in spoken words.  You will know what you want, and you must clarify and quantify it to others.  You must be able to ask for and accept what you want out of life.   You will need to interact with others at some point who can help you.  Your visions, meditations, and requests are traditionally answered by the universal power in the form of another person or entity being available to help and guide you.  Be READY to tell them what you need, and do not be ashamed to ask for a fair deal! 

In conclusion, times are only as good as your mind perceives them.  Just when you think you are failing is the exact time to continue your gratitude, meditation on you goals, and ACTION!  Just at that moment of doubt is when the best is ready to unfold.  Even if the result isn’t exactly as you want, something better is very close and coming to you, and you have only been protected from a bad deal or relationship. 


As a Man Thinketh by James Allen, published in 1902.


About the book 

The title is influenced by a verse in the Bible from the Book of Proverbs chapter 23 verse 7, “As a man thinketh in his heart, so is he.” 

The full passage, taken from the King James Version, is as follows: 

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