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You conceive of your desire, you believe that your goal will happen, and you retrieve the opportunity from the world’s storehouse of riches.  As a rule, man originates thought.  Thought turns into plans or mental images in the mind.  Man can communicate his thought and mental images into and throughout the world.  This creation begins with our thought focused within. 


Your mind is the center of your world.  The presence of the universal spirit can be allowed into your mind.  Your thoughts mixed with a thankful heart directed toward your inner presence can flow out into the world.  These thoughts and mental practice of visualization will send off into the world like a letter of request.  If you practice this visualization enough, the desires you have will be met.  Truth is your faithful non-doubting interpretation of your thoughts.   Do not focus on failure, poverty, disease, or lack.  Your truth is health, riches, success, and happiness.  Do not doubt your thoughts and dreams.  Do not speak against them.  Keep these mental petitions as faithful as possible. 


It is the desire of the universal spirit that your should have all that your need.  You will begin with a simple desire for some type of improvement in life.  A desire coupled with unwavering faith will unfold for you over time.  The motives of your desires are important:  You want to help your self and others, you do not want to hurt other people.  You will achieve these desires much quicker if your motives are not colored in greed, ego, pride, lust, competition, hate, resentment, arrogance.  Your desires must be propelled by love, gratitude, faith, confidence, mental focus, truth, acceptance, creativity, positive expectation, clear planning, & giving more love and value than you take. 



Brainstorm on your ideas each day.  Clarify in you mind exactly what you want and how you will achieve it.  Hold the picture of the moment you have completed the achievement with positive certainty.  Never speak or think of it as not being possible.  Claim it as yours, claim the picture of success as a “FACT” and that it is already yours in mind.  Keep your mind tuned in to the universal presence and energy by having a grateful heart and thoughts.   




If you can not be grateful; then, begin to think of your ability to walk, talk, see, hear, travel, speak, etc.  The simplest of freedoms to be grateful for are the most easily overlooked.  But, these abilities such as health are the quickest way to show gratitude and begin a new and powerful positive outlook that connects you to life and your dreams.  People will soon not recognize your new outlook and serenity.  Remember, that you must exercise this mental picturing and thankfulness every day for at least a month.  However, after a month, you will not believe the difference in your take on life. 


Do not be scared or ashamed to ask for what you really want.  Ask for more than you need.  Poverty and self sacrifice are not pleasing to anyone.    We believe that there is a universal spirit of which unlimited abundance flows.  It will give us all that we need and desire when we have a pure heart.  We make the profound connection to the spirit by developing a strong feeling of thankfulness for life, love, health, and our material gifts.   


Let us think about gratitude and thankfulness.  Can you have happiness with a bitter heart?  Can you have real faith when you are ungrateful?  If you think you can be happy with a doubting, hateful, and bitter mind, then, good luck.  If you want to change to an outlook on life where you feel that  all is possible, then keep reading. 


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