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BONUS SECTION - 10 Great Management & Success Books with  10 Key Takeaways - By George Mentz   46  

About the Author . 49  









Pythagoras Success Secrets  – 580 BC 


Recently, I came across a book called the Golden Verses of Pythagoras.  The wisdom, virtues, and ethics of the Pythagoreans is profound as it is an authentic blend of Eastern and Western principles.  

As stated by the renowned mystic Manly Hall: The most famous of the Pythagorean fragments are the Golden Verses, ascribed to Pythagoras himself.  The Golden Verses contain a brief summary of the system of philosophy forming the basis of the educational doctrines of the Pythagoreans of Crotona, or, as it is also known, the Italic School. These verses open by counseling the reader to love God, venerate the great heroes, and respect the spirit guides and elemental body forces.  They then urge man to think carefully and industriously concerning his daily life, and to prefer the treasures of the mind and soul to accumulations of earthly goods. The verses also promise man that if he will rise above his lower material nature and cultivate self-control, he will ultimately be acceptable in the sight of the gods, be reunited with them, and partake of their immortality. 


Twelve Fold Path -  With Pythagorean Golden Verse References 

1.     Right Action - Engage No Harm – Sec. 11. Do nothing evil, neither in the presence of others, nor privately; Sec. 13. Observe justice in thy actions and in thy words. 

2.     Right Regard - Love Yourself Like Your Destiny Depends On It – Sec. 12. But above all things respect thyself.. 

3.     Right Planning – Sec. 27. Consult and deliberate before thou act, that thou mayest not commit foolish actions; Sec. 30. Never do anything which thou dost not understand. 

4.     Right Speech – Sec. 28. For it is the part of a miserable man to speak and to act without reflection. 

5.     Right Gratitude – Sec. 36. Avoid all things that will occasion envy. Sec. 44. And if thou has’t done any good, rejoice. 

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