Finance Management Institute Certification GAFM ® By GAFM ®
    Global Academy of Finance and Management American International Institute Finance Chartered Financial Planner Analyst Project Manager  Accredited Certification Body Training
Financial Analyst Certification  - Accounting Certification - Management Consulting Certification - Project Management Certification™

GAFM Certifications - Professional Designations in Management Consulting - Financial Analyst - Management Accounting - Accredited Standards and Exams.

Send your resume TODAY and we can review your credentials for certification approval within 72 hours.  Email to or Click Contact

Approved Degree and Assessment Programs

  1. Approved Economics Degree Programs for ChE Chartered Economist ®
  2. MFP Master Financial Planner ® - Any Nationally Accredited Finance Degree
  3. CTEP Chartered Trust and Estate Planner ® - Take the Law School Course at: Call the Staff at:
  4. All other Certifications such as:  RFS, CAM, CPM, CMA, FAD, CIPM or others , Submit Qualifying Resume or take the online accredited law school program. Call the Law School Staff at:

Apply Now


Contact Name: GAFM Global Academy of Finance and Management ®
Contact Fax: 419-828-4923
Address: Box 293
1670F East Cheyenne Mtn Blvd.
Colorado Springs
80906  USA

The GAFM ® International Board of Standards is TUV Accredited and ISO Certified for Quality and ISO 29990 Training Standards

TUV Accredited

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 Accredited Certified Financial Analyst Chartered Accountant

Top Certifications and Designations

  • AFA Accredited Financial Analyst ®
  • AMA Accredited Management Accountant  ®
  • AMC Accredited Management Consultant  ®
  • CRA Certified Risk Analyst ®
  • MFP Master Finanical Planner
  • CTEP Chartered Trust & Estate Planner
  • CIPM Certified International Project Manager ®
  • MPM Master Project Manager ®


The GAFM ® Board is the 1st Graduate Certification Body to Become Accredited  and Certified for: ISO 9001 Quality and ISO 29990 Training in the World. GAFM ® owns the former AAFM ® Certifications and Programs

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