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Discuss your goals with other professionals who want to help you.  This is known as the Master Mind Alliance. We suggests that you team up with other professionals with related  goals and expertise to obtain counsel. In this alliance, you give as much as you receive in a harmonious fashion while always supporting the group members with your insight, advice, and help. 


Overall, a definiteness of purpose of your plan along with a burning desire is generally what is needed to accomplish great things. When you mix this recipe with constructive belief or faith, you become driven to do what is necessary to succeed and not to give up. You believe that you can


A burning desire is something that you really want to do. You are solid in your faith that you can allow your desire to become real. You are willing to sever the past and move forward with the desire, goal, and plan. You are willing to focus exclusively on the project, and never give up. You are guaranteed degrees of success if you do something each day toward the completion of your goals. 


You develop a state of mind that is conducive to your desires. You have positive thoughts, enthusiasm, belief, and persistence that are all built on truth. Truth can be perceived in a constructive way or in the form of doom and gloom. We all know that a bitter and negative attitude is not an effective way to live and can actually paralyze you, resulting in failure. As they say, Realists expect failure and demand to be right.” Seeing beyond what is apparent takes skill and practice.  When exercising the principles of Napoleon Hill in your life, you will obtain this skill over time. 


Do you have trouble with constructive belief? Napoleon Hill wrote about methods in his book that are timeless and were heavily used in the self-help movement in the early 1900’s. See other authors: Thomas Troward, Wallace Wattles, Christian Larson, W. Atkinson, and more. As stated by many of these masters of self-help, constructive belief and expectation can be cultivated and transformed into a great asset and strength, which will lead to greater success. 


Faith can be induced through several practices or exercises: 


·        Mental images of success. Picture yourself completing your goals in detail. 

·        Affirmations (reading aloud the attributes or goals that you desire). This can be applied to your character, family, or  business dreams. Example: “I am the best teacher, manager, professional etc.” or “I am getting better and better every day.” 

·        Gratitude and thankfulness of heart. Think deeply over the gifts of life that you have received on a daily basis.  Cultivate a thankful heart based on what you already have or what you will have. Examples: Home, family, health, and more. 

·        Remember: Like attracts like. Therefore, attitude and character development are about attracting the greater good. Thus, thankfulness and praise are key to attracting higher good. 


Building a Master Mind Alliance Network Tips: 


·        Develop friends who can give you insight and support who will not fill your mind with doubt or thoughts of failure. 

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