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12.       When I don’t feel like preparing or becoming ready to embrace life, I sometimes consider the Law of Preparedness. Matthew 22:14: For many are called, but few are chosen. 

13.       When I lose focus on the good and become distracted from my purpose, the Laws of Attraction are indeed worth respecting. Matthew 6:21: For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also. 

14.       When I am afraid to take risks, ask for help, change or grow, the Law of Supply is sometimes the secret to my transformation. Matthew 7:7: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you. 


Taken as a whole: cultivating ideas and desires, doing your homework, asking for information and help, believing in possibility, taking action, maintaining enthusiasm, and expecting the best are all ingredients to an abundant life 


The Lord's Prayer – Analysis


1.                 Our Father in heaven, 

Interpretation: You are the royal heir to spiritual power and love. The Spark of Christ is within you and is the connecting force which animates your essence and powers. 

2.                 hallowed be your name

Interpretation:  The Nature of God is abundance and wholeness  

3.                 Your kingdom come, 

Interpretation:  The connection to the spiritual supreme force is available always through willingness and spiritual seeking. 

4.                 your will be done on earth, as it is in heaven. 

Interpretation:  Meeting the supreme half way will allow the will of God to function through you in its most effective way. 

5.                 Give us this day our daily bread, 

Interpretation:  Knowing that unlimited good is available to you and being thankful  to the Lord for all blessings,  keeps the flow and connection alive. 

6.                 and forgive us our trespasses or debts, 

Interpretation:  Release us from mental or other burdens and allow our potential to expand for the glory of God. 

7.                 as we also have forgiven others/our debtors. 

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